Wednesday, 1 December 2010

Aspire Training

About 6 months ago I entered a photography competition on the Professional Photographers website. I then received an e mail from the Annabel Williams informing me that I had been selected as one of the 6 finalists. My first thought was that it was a phishing e mail but I eventually looked into it and it was true. I traveled to Cumbria for what I thought was a very informal interview. I was placed in front of a panel of experts and answered a few questions. A week later I was told that it was very close and I was eventually chosen runner up. So, no cigar this time but I was invited on a 4 day course at the photography training school.

Fast forward 6 months and hear I am in Cumbria on my 2nd day on the course.

Day 1

Marketing and Branding

Day 2

Photographing Pre Wedding shoot and Wedding Shots

Day 3

Post Processing and Lightroom

Day 4

Sales and Album Design

It's a great course and learning so much. I will be uploading the shots here shortly.

Friday, 11 June 2010

Dick and Dorothy Golden Anniversary

Had a great time shooting a Golden Anniversary at the weekend. I had 3 generations of family and everyone looked great in front of the camera and had no problem relaxing for the shots. I hope everyone enjoyed themselves as much as I enjoyed taking the photographs.

Monday, 31 May 2010

Oliver Goldstein Party

This was a Bar Mitzvar for Oliver Goldstein. I hadn't covered a Bar Mitzvah before so didn't quite know what to expect and was a little nervous as his father was a good friend of a work colleague. I had no need to worry as they treated me very well and trusted me to tell story of the night through my pictures. There were so many character and the Father and Oliver was the biggest.